Aug 15, 2013

Review: Mod Market

Okay I have decided to include yet another section to the blog and that's Reviews. Because I really don't want this blog to be just a High Fashion catalog, I want it to be a fashion blog aswell. So let's go.

When I saw this store the first thing I thought was of, because of the name. Was Stardoll doing a partnership with the store? Then I looked at the Mod Market picture again - of course not. Duh. The second thought was MONDRIAN. Holy Schmeggs M-O-N-D-R-I-A-N. It reminded me of perhaps the best Antidote collection that ever existed on the history of Stardoll with clothes inspired by famous paintings and sculptures. The dress looked cute on my doll but I was not 100% sure... And then I saw it - The Twiggy Painting. Oh my. Added it immediately to my starplaza wishlist and after that not many feelings happened. I like the 60s style, but I like the more Glam side of the 60s, not the Hippie stuff so much. But oh well here are the highlights of the collection for me:

What did you think of Mod Market?

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