Jul 6, 2013

Tingeling Halloween Couture Harness Trimmed Dress | Alexander McQueen

Tingeling Goth Dress | Alexander McQueen

Stardoll Archive / Tingeling Halloween Couture Striped Masquerade Gown | Alexander McQueen

This dress was featured on HIGH FASHION MAGAZINE

The more you know: This dress was part of the Tingeling Halloween Couture collection. It was pretty rare until Stardoll re-released it on Stardoll Archive this year.

Bisou Hot Buys Triangle Cut Out Swimsuit | Zimmerman

just a little detail: I love that the model has a tattoo on her hip/thigh (:

Folk Rusted Ankle Boots | Alexander McQueen

HFS One Month Celebration - Thank you!

Hello dear stardoll fashionistas!
I'm doing this post right now just to say Thank you!
Exactly one month ago - on 06/06/13 - it was when this blog was created. So today it's HFS's one month celebration!

In just one month we got well over 2000 visits and 11 amazing followers!
And the views per day are great!

And the comments are not very frequent, but I understand commenting on blog posts is a big drag! That is not a problem because people have messaged me on stardoll and so telling me that they think the blog is amazing, and other people have even asked if they could take pictures from here for their blogs (and giving credit obviously) - well, you're more than welcome to!

I am really proud of all of this - and just in ONE MONTH.


Fallen Angel Girls / Stardoll Archive Inspired by Gucci | Gucci

The more you know: Originally from the Fallen Angel Girls store, this jacket was proclaimed by stardoll members as Rare, until stardoll brought it back in a February 2010 Stardoll Archive collection. Not so rare at this point, it is a pretty uncommon item to see in people's closet still.