Sep 24, 2013


Hey guys.My name is Liga.On stardoll Ligalv96.I am 17 years old.I love fashion and stardoll.Im the new writer for this blog.I will try make an interesting topics for posts.Right now i will start new topic interview with talented dolls.It can be even you if you have talent for making nice suite or coll album.You can apply for it writing her your name. :) Sorry if i will not post long because my computer is broken so im using my parent computer when i can.

Sep 11, 2013

I'm still alive!

Hello dear Stardoll readers. I'm so sorry I haven't been on here as much. I've been SO busy! But that's another story. I really wanted you to know I'm hiring a few people to trial here on the blog and if they succeed they'll become writers on here. If you want to apply you can still do it! Add me on my Stardoll account or send me a message if we're already friends.

I'm really trying to keep the blog up. I thank my dear friend lovehayleeheart, who's helping me TONS. So that's it for now. Kisses!